
I think I have what you are looking for.

We use our server to run hundreds of different newsletters, each on sites with very definite looks. I have developed a very simple web form that we use for many of these sites and have experimented with different layouts. It asks for only email address (required) and a name (not required), and has a single subscribe button. I have wrapped it up into a simple web form that people can just paste into their page.

The *WWWTPL is really quite easy.

Feel free to contact me for samples.

Christopher J Kosel
Mgr., Marketing Operations
Digital River, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael J. Langum [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 2:05 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Simple Web Signup Form

I need a template for a very simple web based list signup.

It would be placed on a web page announcing the establishment
of the list, and subscribe the user ONLY to the specified list.  It
would have <input> tags only for "email address," and "full
name," and use default settings for all options.  After it "submits"
the two fields, I would like wa.exe to return only a short one
sentence acknowlegement .

I am assuming I'll need to create some very special *.wwwtpl
scripts to control the returned "acknowlegement page.  Can
anyone give me guidence?


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