On 22 Sep 99, at 9:45, Karen Reznek wrote:

> We recently had to set a list member to nomail nopost while sorting out
> a problem they had caused. While the subscriber can't set back to post,
> they can set back to mail. Is there a way, or could there be a way, to
> set someone to nomail that only a listowner can set them back to mail?

The only thing I can think of that's close would be to have the LISTSERV
maintainer SERVE the user OFF. The real solution if you want to deny
access to list postings is to delete their subscription (assuming
Subscription=By Owner and Notebook=...,Private).

> And can nopost include eliminating access to the archives and subscriber
> base so that possible mischief can be prevented? Under the current
> circumstances, we would have to unsubscribe the member -- which we would
> prefer not to do unless the circumstances do not resolve in their favor
> (Innocent until proven guilty).

Umm. I'm not sure what it is you want to _retain_ for the user. If I
understand correctly, you want it so that they can't receive list mail,
can't post to the list, can't read the archives... what's left that you
want to preserve that unsubscribing would take away?

Perhaps if you explained in more detail what you want to happen, I could
give you a better response.
