On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Winship wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Jessica Rasku wrote:
> >         May I ask where Pine breaks when using IMAP?  It may be useful to
> > know what you are seeing that causes it to behave ``badly''.  In theory,
> > they should work the same (Pine without IMAP, and Pine with IMAP), and
> > PC-Pine should also work the same.  Can you explain further?
> It doesn't "break" nor behave badly, it just makes editing the items
> before you do the "bounce" next to impossible.  The editing isn't
> an intended function of Pine, just something I figured out.

        Ah, I see what you mean...  You manualy edit the message using a
text editor BEFORE bouncing.  You CAN create local folder colections as
well as the IMAP folder collection.


Jessica Rasku, Box 270, Rossland, B.C., V0G 1Y0, (250) 362-5701,
LinuxBox: (250) 362-9668.

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