>You can also reset all of your subscribers with:
>quiet set listname SUBJ for *

Since this blows away some other settings they might have (FULL822,
DUALHDR, etc.) you might not want to do this.  A better option might
be to send a message to the mailing list saying "If you want to
receive the mailing list mail with [whatever] prepended to the
subject line, send mail to LISTSERV@[wherever] with the command SET
listname SUBJECT in the body of the message."  That way the
subscribers can pick and choose whether or not they want it.

Alternatively, you could announce beforehand that you're going to do
this and ask if it's going to cause anyone any problems.

>Remember to always use quiet when doing a set for the whole list--the
>actual subscription change cause far less disquiet among the sheep than
>the notification message, which quiet avoids.
>On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Pete Weiss wrote:
>> List definition keyword SUBJECTHDR only affects NEW
>> subscribers.  Existing subscribers aren't changed.  A subscribe can issue
>> a options-changing commang e.g.,
>> SET listname SUBJECT
>> /Pete
Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc