Dear friends,

I am running two moderated list with 1500 subscribers.  Nobody with an AOL
domain is receiving the mail. This includes my own AOL account also, which
I have confirmed does not have a spam filter activated and is in fact
correctly subscribed.  I have also checked with several other subscribers.
This is an AOL specific problem.  Has anyone else had such problems?  Can
anyone advise me what to do to get mail through on AOL?  Thanks.

Be well,

William Grassie, Ph.D.
Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science
3741 Walnut Street, #429, Philadelphia, PA 19104
P.O. Box 586, Unionville, PA 19375

Voice: 610.329.0555
FAX:    610.486.6897
Email: <[log in to unmask]>
URL:   <>

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