Well, I think there are two problems.  1) I think you didn't run
'newaliases' after adding the aliases for listtrain-l, and 2) you
didn't make the aliases correctly to begin with.  You need to look
at either the unix installation guide for LISTSERV (found at
http://www.lsoft.com/unixinst.html ) or 7.2.1 of the site manager's
manual ( http://www.lsoft.com/manuals ) for the proper syntax.
They ought to be something like

listtrain-l: |/usr/local/bin/lsv_amin /projects/list/spool listtrain-l

instead of what you have.

Alternately you can make the aliases by running the 'make list name=xxx'
stage of the LISTSERV Makefile and substituting the name of your list
(in lower case) for 'xxx'.
