Dear Sir/Madam:

This is Dennis wang, Network administrator of INBAR ( International
Network For Bamboo and Rattan) Beijing Office. We have purchased your
product: ListServ 1.8d one and a half months ago. Now there is a small
problem when we use this kind of software. I hope I can get some
suggestions from your help.
Now we have two NT 4.0 Servers, one is Mail server (Exchange 5.5), name
is ( ; the other is Listserv Server (
runing Listserv 1.8d), name is (
Our domain name is "". We also have legal IP address group.
When I set up a newsgroup in the Listserv Server and add some subscriber
in it, It seems like all the people from outside can use the newsgroup.
for example: [log in to unmask] can send and receive informaiton with the
newsgroup. But when I add a user belonging to our domain. for example:
[log in to unmask], it just can receive message, but can not send message
to the newsgroup. At the same time, an error accured:" cann't find out
the recipient". I don't know what's wrong.
Cound you please tell me how to fix this problem?
Thank you very much.

Dennis wang
Network administrator