> On Tuesday, October 12, 1999 11:46 AM Nathan Brindle Wrote:
> >That just means that the OOO generator replied to the RFC821 MAIL FROM:
> >address rather than the RFC822 From: address.
> This is header info I can view for a posting to my list.
> Is there more header info I am not seeing - ie. the
> RFC821 address of owner-mxg-l?

That address is used as the RFC821 MAIL FROM: address which is in the
outbound list messages sent from Listserv. Any receiving mailer that needs to
bounce a message back to the originator is suppose to send it to that address.
When Listserv sees inbound mail addressed to owner-listname@  it sents it to the
owner of that list as a probable bounce/error. You can see that address if you
view the full headers of one of your list messages. It shows under Return-Path:
Viewing full or all headers should be an option in your mail client.