
I'm seeking the input of other list owners in solving a problem
on one of my lists, CJUST-L.  For context, here's a blurb from
the INFO file:

--- Begin ---

  CJUST-L is meant to serve as a forum for free and open discussion
of Criminal Justice issues and problems, whether they be theoretical
or real, from your own experiences or the newspaper's front page.
Research done by list members is especially welcome.  It is meant
primarily to be an academic discussion list, although all subscribers
are encouraged to participate regardless of their backgrounds.

--- End ---

That blurb has remained unchanged since I started administering
the list in early 1993.  Since that time I've concluded that
the criminal justice system is one of those hot-button topics
on which everyone has strongly-held views and, for purposes of
maintaining and growing a useful *academic* list, I need to
impose certain controls.

For example, a few years ago, discussion of the Right to Keep and
Bear Arms (RKBA) was dominating the list to the near exclusion of
everything else.  No one was changing anyone else's mind and
folks were unsubscribing in frustration, including some well-known
and well-respected academics who had previously made invaluable
contributions.  To make a long story short, I banned discussion of
the RKBA from CJUST-L, directing those interested in pursuing the
topic to other existing lists dedicated to that topic.

CJUST-L in the post-RKBA days did fairly well, even flourishing
for awhile.

These days it's bogged down again, not with RKBA but with the
War on Drugs (WOD).  Again, this is a hot-button topic and minds
will not be (easily) changed.  What's exacerbating the problem
this time is the fact that there are a small number of people
on one side of the battle who post each and every day up to their
prescribed limit (2 posts) using those posts to hammer away
repeatedly at the WOD, the people (gov't/police) they blame for
related problems, and insulting (in a refined, veiled way) folks
who disagree with them.  Again, people are unsubscribing in droves
and others, who might otherwise have posted, are being intimidated
into silence.

My dilemma is that I see value in the open exchange of information
yet understand that in practice it can't work unless those
involved in the exchange truly want it open.  Closed minds,
anecdotal evidence used to support sweeping generalizations, etc.,
serve to undermine the goal of having a forum for academic
discussion.  People with political agendas work for change,
not to add useful information to the knowledge base.

And what is academic discussion anyway?  Is it restricted to
academics, to people with some demonstrated affiliation with an
academic institution or similar?  Or does it describe discussion
conducted with a certain type of methodology, such that anyone
can participate as long as they do it in a certain kind of way,
perhaps utilizing a given format?

I want to make CJUST-L more useful to criminal justice academics
and practitioners.  I want it to be a place where peers can
discuss their research or comment on trends in the context of
a shared, informed understanding of the world and the criminal
justice system.  Right now I can't make that happen given
prevailing conditions on the list.

Has anyone else ever gone through a similar situation?  How
was it resolved?

Has anyone ever come up with a template or definition of
academic discussion in the mailing list context?

Does anyone use rules or guidelines which dictate to some
degree the form posts must take?

I don't have the time to moderate CJUST-L or even REVIEW
problem posters.  I don't want to restrict membership by
some artificial means such as requiring applicants to
furnish documentation attesting to their academic affiliation.
I do want to deter the uninformed and misinformed.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions or criticisms are welcome,
on list or off.


- Alex, list owner of CJUST-L      [log in to unmask]
Alex Rudd             [log in to unmask]               ARS KA2ZOO
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