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LISTSERV list owners' forum <[log in to unmask]>
Nathan Brindle <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 May 2000 10:42:44 EDT
To: LISTSERV Give and Take Forum <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
L-Soft international, Inc.
LISTSERV list owners' forum <[log in to unmask]>
       Description of the changes for the 2000a "level set" release
                        Version 1.8d of LISTSERV(R)
                 Copyright 2000 L-Soft international, Inc.

                                5 May 2000


The 2000a level set  includes all known fixes and patches  up to March 3,
2000, and the following between-release enhancements:

- The security  fix mentioned in  the 05/05 advisory posted  to LSTSRV-L,
  LSTSRV-M, etc.

- Support for a  new keyword, "Attachments=", allowing  attachments to be
  filtered from mailing lists.

- Support  for multi-line  substitutions in  mail-merge jobs  (previously
  available from L-Soft support through a special patch).

- Miscellaneous  performance  improvements  and  new  performance-related
  features for LISTSERV HPO.

* Fix for security exposure *

The  security exposure  mentioned  in the  advisory  posted to  LSTSRV-L,
LSTSRV-M, and other L-Soft support lists on  5 May 2000 has been fixed in
LISTSERV and  LISTSERV Lite.  L-Soft recommends  that all  affected users
apply the 2000a level set immediately.

* New "Attachments=" list header keyword *

LISTSERV  1.8d  kits  dated  after  2  May  2000  include  a  list-owner-
configurable  message  attachment  filter.  This feature  allows  you  to
control the posting of various  types of MIME attachments (images, audio,
etc.) to your lists.

The basic syntax is:

Attachments= Yes | No[,Filter] | <allowed_content_types>[,Filter]

The options are:

Attachments= Yes :  All types of attachments are allowed  to be posted to
the list  (the default).  Note however  that other  configuration options
may  still  disallow  the  posting   of  certain  attachments,  and  that
"Attachments=  Yes" does  not override  them. For  instance, if  you have
"Language=  NoHTML", setting  "Attachments=  Yes" does  not override  the
Language=  setting.  Or if  you  have  "Sizelim="  set  to a  value  that
precludes a  file of  x number of  lines from being  posted to  the list,
setting "Attachments= Yes" will not  override the Sizelim= setting if the
message  with its  attachment exceeds  the number  of lines  specified by

Attachments= No  : All  types of attachments  are disallowed,  other than
plain  text  (always   allowed)  and  HTML  text   (which  is  controlled
exculsively   by   the   "Language=  NoHTML"   keyword   setting).   With
"Attachments= No",  LISTSERV rejects messages containing  attachments and
bounces them back to the poster.

Attachments= No,Filter : Same as  "Attachments= No", except that LISTSERV
simply removes  the unwanted material  from the message and  processes it
instead of rejecting it out of hand.  The removal of material is a silent
operation,  ie,  the poster  is  not  notified  that the  attachment  was

It is also possible  to allow certain MIME types to  be passed through to
the list while rejecting or filtering all others.  For instance,

Attachments= image,application/*msword

allows only the  specified attachment types and  rejects everything else.
If  you  don't want  to  reject  messages  that  contain other  types  of
attachments, but just want to remove  all other types of attachments, you
add the ",Filter" parameter at the end of the line--ie,

Attachments= image,application/*msword,Filter

This  means, "Allow  all image  and application/*msword  attachments, and
strip  all other  attachments". Again,  note that  plain text  ("Content-
Type: text/plain") is always allowed and  does not need to be included in
the list of  allowed attachment types. Likewise, HTML  text is controlled
exclusively  by  the  "Language=  NoHTML"  keyword  setting.  Other  text
subtypes are, however,  controlled by "Attachments=", so they  need to be
listed if you intend to allow them.

Note  carefully that  simply coding  something like  "Attachments= image"
will  not necessarily  allow  all  image files  through.  This is  highly
dependent on the  client being used by the poster.  For instance, if your
client  attaches all  binary files  as "Content-Type=  application/octet-
stream",  regardless of  whether  a  given binary  is  (for instance)  an
executable image,  a Word file, or  a compressed archive, and  you send a
JPEG to a  list with "Attachments= image"  set in the header,  it will be
rejected  since the  image does  not  have a  "Content-Type: image"  tag.
Specifically this appears to  be the case with Eudora 3.x  but may not be
limited to that particular client.

Note also  that attachments  sent by  default installations  of Microsoft
Outlook  cannot  be blocked  by  LISTSERV  as  they  do not  follow  MIME
standards (at least  not up to and including Outlook  97; this writer has
not  installed Outlook  2000). By  default Outlook  sends attachments  as
imbedded  uuencoded files  and does  not use  MIME Content-Type:  headers
unless you change this in the Outlook user profile.

The rejection message sent by LISTSERV when ",Filter" is not specified is
found  in  the BAD_ATTACHMENT  mail  template  form  (see chapter  9  for
information on  LISTSERV's mail templates). Note  that the BAD_ATTACHMENT
template  form is  a linear  template  and as  such does  not allow  text
formatting commands to be used.

The reason  HTML text is  not subject  to "Attachments=" filtering  is to
allow you  to reject (bounce)  messages with attachments,  while silently
suppressing  HTML  text  in  multi-part messages  which  also  contain  a
plain-text  alternative. Some  mail programs  send both  HTML and  plain-
text versions of messages, and, even if you do not want HTML text on your
list, there  is little point  in keeping out people  who use it  (who are
often new to  the Internet and aren't aware that  their mail programs are
sending HTML text) when you can simply  remove the HTML part. At the same
time, you  may want  to reject  postings containing  images out  of hand,
rather  than removing  the images  and  continuing. The  same applies  to
Exchange  attachments,  which are  filtered  by  default (see  "Language=

Practical Guidelines for defence against ILOVEYOU and derivative virii

With the release  of the new Attachments= list header  keyword, it is now
possible  to  reject VBS  virii  such  as  the  recent ILOVEYOU  and  its
"copycat" derivatives by simply setting

Attachments= No

in the  list header. As  documented above,  this setting blocks  all MIME
attachments and will definitely block VBS virii <as long as they are sent
as MIME attachments>.  ILOVEYOU was sent as  an application/octet- stream
attachment, so if your list depends  on allowing (for instance) images to
be passed  through it, you would  probably want to code  the Attachments=
keyword setting as

Attachments= image

with the caveat  noted above for mail clients that  send everything as an
application/octet-stream, of course.  If you need to  pass different MIME
types  then you  simply need  to  code the  keyword setting  accordingly.

It is unlikely that you would want to simply filter a VBS virus since the
"body" of the message is typically unimportant and generated by the virus
in  any case.  It  is more  useful  to  bounce the  message  back to  the
originator if  only as a warning  that he may have  contracted the virus.

* Support for multi-line substitutions in mail-merge jobs *

(This functionality was previously  available from L-Soft support through
a special patch.)

Originally, data  for substitutions into  MM variables could  not contain
CRLF as  part of the data  contents. Upon request from  several customers
this was altered  so that arbitrarily long data extracted  from a DBMS is
now allowed to contain CRLF within the data.

Please note however that LISTSERV's internal data buffer for holding such
data remains at  4096 bytes. Thus data elements exceeding  this size will
continue  to be  truncated. The  internal data  buffer size  is not  user
configurable as  it is determined  at compile  time. Note also  that this
enhancement  does   not  apply  to  'External   data'  mail-merge  (*XDFN
statements) which may not contain CRLF.

L-Soft continues to  recommend that large variable data  inserts are best
implemented as conditional blocks.

* Enhancements for the HPO version *

The following configuration variables have been added, targeted primarily
at  sites  running  LISTSERV  Classic HPO  with  extremely  large  lists.

- ADD_ALWAYS_HERE=1:  all  ADD  commands  are treated  as  ADDHERE.  This
  configuration variable  should be used only  if the site has  no peered

- ADD_NO_WILDCARD_LOOKUP=1:  when executing  an ADD  with a  wildcard for
  the name, LISTSERV will not attempt to look up the person's name in the
  SIGNUP  files.  This configuration  variable  should  be used  only  on
  servers where subscriptions are automated  via a script and list owners
  are never going to manually use the wildcard option.

The  operations in  question  have been  sped up  for  HPO licenses  even
without setting  these options. ADD  becomes ADDHERE  if the list  is not
peered (bypassing a lot of code),  a function call in service area lookup
which was very slow on non-VM systems was replaced with something faster,
and even under Classic LISTSERV will no longer record 'No Name Available'
entries in  the SIGNUP  files. This  in turn  avoids growing  huge SIGNUP
files  that  contain  no  useful information.  Note  that  administrators
should not  worry if,  after updating LISTSERV,  many SIGNUP  entries are
deleted when  the server is  restarted the first  time. There is  code to
remove existing 'No Name Available' entries for efficiency.

Additionally,   the  default   for   the   site  configuration   variable
FIOC_MAXFILE (used for cache tuning) has  been changed from 8192 to 1024.
As a  result, LISTSERV will  not attempt to  cache lists larger  than 10k
subscribers.  This will  not  negatively affect  perfformance on  smaller
sites but it will make a big difference for sites running extremely large


Level  sets are  standard  installation kits  that  replace the  previous
installation kits  on L-Soft's FTP and  web servers. They can  be used to
install a  new copy of  LISTSERV or  upgrade an existing  installation. A
level set is similar to a Windows  NT CD-ROM with the latest service pack

To download the  2000a level set, simply  go to L-Soft's web  site (or to
FTP.LSOFT.COM) and  download an evaluation  copy of LISTSERV  or LISTSERV
Lite,  then  follow  the  installation instructions  for  your  operating
system.  The kits can be found at:


The level set is a no-cost upgrade to customers licensed for version 1.8d
and will work with your existing 1.8d license key.

The level set will NOT work with a 1.8c, 1.8b or older license key.


1. Make sure to update ALL  LISTSERV executables, including WA, lsv_amin,
   lcmd, etc.  Unix sites need to  be sure to download  both common.tar.Z
   and the `uname`.tar.Z for their operating system.

2. The  2000a level  set for  VM/ESA will  be made  available at  a later
   date. VM/ESA sites are not  affected by the security vulnerability and
   do not  need to apply 2000a  to secure their systems,  so its delivery
   was not  rushed. The VM/ESA  version uses a different  software update
   mechanism,  which requires  additional development  work to  release a
   level set.

3. The 2000a level set is  only available for operating systems currently
   supported  by  L-Soft.  When  browsing  FTP.LSOFT.COM,  you  may  find
   installation kits for other operating systems, such as Ultrix or SunOS
   4.x,  but these  kits  will be  based on  older  versions and/or  code
   bases.  L-Soft  no  longer  has development  systems  for  unsupported
   operating systems and is not in  a position to compile the 2000a level
   set for these systems.