At 11:52 11/18/2002 Monday, Winship wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Pete Weiss wrote:
>> This is some of my boilerplate:
>Do you think such things really do any good, Pete? Oh, I know, a few
>people pay attention, but most, in my experience, ignore such, are better
>for a while, then revert to what's easiest, or reply with angry, abusive
Principally it is used when they've included all of the headers and
LISTSERV has interpretted as a possible email loop and instead of
distributing it to the 4,000 subscribers has instead forwarded it to the
list's BOUNCE (ERRORS-TO=) address. THAT'S one of the times I use the
boilerplate. The other is when it's time to remind all subscribers of
some list administrivia (there are about 10 items in that list).
As far as "reverting" -- I don't explicitly track people's posting style;
nevertheless on occassion, after posting the administriva to the list,
that tends to pre-empt list-subscribers from trying to correct posters.
I do get an occasional thank-you from folks who seem to agree with the
suggestions and/or the work that goes into trying to maintain a quality
information sharing list.
So all in all, it seems like a win-win situation.
But like you know that I'm fond of saying, YMMV.