If you are running 1.8d or the newest release check out the content filter.
Adrianne Schutt wrote:
> I have the feeling I'm asking something pretty obvious, but I've
> RTFMed and the light hasn't come on....
> For the last month or so, there's been a major epidemic of
> quote-it-all-itis on my list. My co-admin and I have used every gentle
> approach in our arsenal, and it's starting to look like nopost time
> unless I can come up with something new. I'd really rather come up with
> something new than dig out the brass knuckles.
> What I'd really like to do is set the server to reject any message
> containing the list's footer, bouncing it back to the sender with a form
> letter inserted at the top. Something along the same lines as what
> happens when a member accidentally tries to post from a different
> (unsubscribed) address.
> Is this possible, or am I just dreaming? I'd really appreciate a clue.
> Thanks,
> Adrianne ;->
> Admin, Hamtech - The Hammond List
> www.hamtech.org