On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:41:04 -0500, "Wilkinson, Craig J"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Is there anyone that can tell me the procedure for moving the notebook
>archives to a new location. I want to move them to a different drive
>such as e:\listserv\lists.
How many lists? If lots (100+) then decide if you really/really need to do
this because editing every list header is a lot of work.
0. Notify List Owners you are making a change.
1. Issue a HOLD command for every list with archives to be moved:
HOLD listname1
HOLD listname2
HOLD listname3
HOLD listname4
HOLD listname5
You will get back an OK/confirmation request. Confirm it
2. go into each list message archive directory x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,
delete all files listname.db... (these are index files there will be 2
or 3 such files)
RETAIN all files listname.LOG..., listname.DIGEST, listname.SUBJECTS
3. go into each list WWW index directory
x:\inetpub\wwwroot\archives\listname1, etc.
delete all files listname.*
go up one dir to x:\inetpub\wwwroot\archives
delete all files, but do NOT delete any directories
4. copy entire x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\ tree including and all subdirs
(listname1...listnamen) and all files to new disk partition
-ensure SYSTEM user has 'full control' privs on this entire tree
-ensure anonymous guest user (IUSR_xyz) has Read privs on this entire tree
Note: IUSR_xyz is really IUSR_your-machine-name and is different for
every Windows machine. Use the correct username for your machine
5. Now is the long, tedious, boring part of the process.
One at a time, edit each list header and change one line
Notebook= Yes, x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
Notebook= Yes, y:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
If you also have a line Digest= Yes, x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
change to Digest= Yes, Same, ...
If you do not have a line Notebook= Yes, x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
but only a line Digest= Yes, x:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
then change to Digest= Yes,y:\LISTSERV\LISTS\listname1,....
There is no bulk way to do this. The only way is one list at a time.
I did warn you above to be really, really sure you really want to do this.
6. When done with editing all list headers that have archives,
stop and restart LISTSERV
go into each list WWW index directory
x:\inetpub\wwwroot\archives\listname1, etc.
verify all new files listnamex.ind... have been generated
go up one dir to x:\inetpub\wwwroot\archives
verify all new listnamex.html files have been generated.
7. Issue FREE comand for all lists previously put on HOLD
msg: FREE listname1
FREE listname2
FREE listname3
FREE listname4
FREE listname5
8. Test with 2-3 of the lists by sending a test message and verify it passes
the list and is recorded in the message archives.
9. Notofy List Owners all is done and advise them on what to do if they
encounter a problem.