On the Interpersonal Computing and Technology Discussion list
(IPCT-L@GUVM), we have formalized into an Editorial Policy much of the
'guidelines' the moderators have been using since its founding.
Subsequent to posting it, there has been little complaint; except for a
few vocal subs. I like feedback from subscribers, and try to listen
as closely as possible for help in continuously improving the discussion.
I have included below, the two more controversial topics (i.e., copyright and
cross-postings). In a way, the cross-posting policy relates to the
copyright issue too.
Some of the thinking on the copyright statement had to do with two
positions: 1) the protection of authors rights for unwanted use
(especially in a commercial sense) to their academic efforts, and 2) setting
a policy in the electronic forum that closely matched that of the current
print publishing industry.
The thinking that went along with the Cross-Posting policy included:
1) copyright issues and 2) helping the moderator with his/her job. It is
realized that the x-post policy may seem extreme in the cases of
"public announcements" or some FAQ, where it is assumed that as wide a
distribution as possible is the intent of the original author.
However, the policy is "clean" as is, and would work, I believe.
I would like your comments/examples please; you may send them to me privately
if you choose to do so. Also, if you would like the complete Ed Policy
Statement, you will receive it by subscribing to IPCT-L at
[log in to unmask] (or let me know and I will forward a
copy to you).
[log in to unmask] or BERGE@GUVAX
---------------extracted from the IPCT-L Editiorial Policy (9/1/92)------
From: "Zane Berge, Ph.D." <[log in to unmask]>
Readers and Subscribers to IPCT-L:
Copyright of individual postings to, and archived files of,
IPCT-L are jointly owned by the original author, IPCT-L listowner(s),
and Georgetown University. Copying, modification, publication or
distribution of postings or archives of Interpersonal Computing and
Technology Discussion List (IPCT-L) are not permitted except by the
written permission of the original author(s), or listowner. Posting
to IPCT-L automatically grants to the listowner(s) the right to use
contributions in whole or in part in subsequent publications.
We may accept cross-postings from other lists when the
content applies to on-going discussion on IPCT-L. It is the
responsibility of the IPCT-L contributor of a cross-post to
obtain permission from the original author to post the message to
IPCT-L, and so state that permission is granted in the cross-post
submission to IPCT-L.