On Fri, 8 Oct 1993 13:26:00 EST Lissa Mosley said:
>the LISTSERV will not place the file for me and sends me back the following
>error message after I issue an "LSVPUT <filename filetype FM> (PUT"
> File "<listname> MAILFORM" is unknown to LISTSERV, PUT request rejected.
OK, beginner question time -- Did you GET/modify/PUT the <listname>
FILELIST to include the <listname> MAILFORM file? If not, then you need
to use (PUTC on your LSVPUT command so LISTSERV ignores checking for
whether a file is 'known'.
>Finally, I will also be using a WELCOME file. Does that have to be placed
>with LSVPUT and does it have the same formatting issues as the MAILFORM
The <listname> WELCOME should *definitely* be included in the <listname>
FILELIST. Send [log in to unmask] the command:
get lsvowner package lsvowner
for more information.