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LISTSERV list owners' forum <[log in to unmask]>
Mike Ramundo <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Nov 1993 07:51:27 EST
Message of Sun, 21 Nov 1993 15:31:22 -0500 from <IBNE100@INDYVAX>
University at Albany Computing & Network Services
LISTSERV list owners' forum <[log in to unmask]>
Notes on Listserv Lists
listserv commands: sub, unsub, review, get, put, index, ...
must be sent to the LISTSERV where the list lives <listnode>
( note that the listname is usually part of the command ! )
in the following examples, substitute actual values for the
two keywords: listname, listnode
NOTE:  when sending commands, it is STRONGLY recommended that
       there be nothing but listserv commands in the body of
       the message ! ( no signature, questions, comments )
       Questions/comments should be directed to <listname>-request,
       owner-<listname> or postmast - all at the <listnode>
Date: .............
From: [log in to unmask]
To:   [log in to unmask]
Subj: listserv commands
SUB <listname> "J. Q. User"
If you are submitting something that is to be distributed to
all subscribers of the list, then you send mail to the list:
Date: ..................
From: [log in to unmask]
To:   [log in to unmask]
Subj: summary of what follows
( note: it is strongly suggested, when writing to/for
        a list, that you use a line length <=72
         Some Common LISTSERV Commands
Command Syntax             Description/purpose
-------------------------  ------------------------------------------
INFO ?                     - request list of info/help doc
INFO REFCARD               - request LISTSERV REFCARD ( a help doc
                             which overlaps/extends this doc )
SUB <listname> your name   - request subscription to list - YOUR
                             address is taken from "From:" header
UNSUB <listname>           - remove your subscription to the list
                             Note: if YOUR address has changed, this
                             command will fail - write to YOUR local
                             POSTMAST/POSTMASTER/POSTMSTR id for
                             assistance.  If that fails, then write
                             to OWNER-<listname>@<listnode> for
                             assistance.  If that fails, then write
REVIEW <listname>          - request a copy of the list headers - if
                             permitted, include a list of all non-
                             concealed subscribers.
INDEX <listname>           - return a list of all files stored
                             for this list: includes filename,
                             filetype, size info and description .
GET <filename> <filetype>  - request a file to be sent to you using
                             the <filename> and <filetype> listed
                             in the output of the INDEX command.
SET <listname>  MAIL       - enable mail from the list
                NOMAIL     - disable mail ....
                FILES      - enable files from the list
                NOFILES    - disable files ....
                DIGEST     - enable digests from list ( if used )
                NODIGEST   - disable digests
                REPRO      - receive copies of postings you send
                NOREPRO    - suppress copies ....
QUERY <listname>           - display current option settings ( see SET )
LIST                       - send list of lists hosted by <listnode> (*)
LIST GLOBAL                - send list of all available lists (*)
LIST GLOBAL <keyword>      - send list of all lists that have the specified
                             keyword in their list name or description (*)
                            (*) = non-confidential lists only
                                 thanks, postmast@albany