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LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
Norm Aleks <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 15:09:35 -0500
Alan Thew's message of Wed, 29 Jan 1997 13:23:03 +0000
LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
I wrote a super-simple Perl script to change listproc archives to
LISTSERV format, and then it was enhanced a lot by Steve Howie at
University of Guelph.  Here it is; if you enhance it further, please
send me or him a copy.  Right now it keeps only minimal (SHORT) headers,
so any MIME you have in the archives will be destroyed -- you'd have to
make it more intelligent to keep other headers appropriately, if you
didn't want that side effect.  For old archives it's probably fine ...

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. [Theodore Roosevelt]
# Program Name: archive_migrate
# Function:     migrates Listproc 6.0c format archive files to
#               LISTSERV 1.8b minimal digest format notebooks
# Author:       Steve Howie, CCS. University of Guelph
#               Based on work originally done by Norm Aleks
#               ([log in to unmask])
# Logic:
#       archive_mig will traverse each subdirectory in the
#       $HOME/archives/lists directory, converting each archive
#       file it finds into Listserv Minimal Digest format. It stores
#       each converted archive file under a subdirectory of $newarch_root.
#       This tree can then be moved en masse to it's new home, and the
#       permissions / ownerships adjusted accordingly.
#       When processing each directory, you will be prompted for the
#       full list name for the "Sender:" field in the archive.
#       If an error is encountered processing an archive, it will be
#       skipped, a flag set and the archive processing will stop after
#       the last archive in that directory
#       You have the opportunity to skip directories if you wish
require "";               # To get a half-assed accurate pwd function
$SIG{'INT'} = 'handler';        # Set up a handler to catch ctrl-C
print <<EOF;
*       Listproc -> Listserv Archive Migration Utility
$newarch_root = "/var/tmp";     # Root for converted archives
$home_dir = `pwd`;

opendir(THISDIR,".");                   # Read all list directory names
$num = @alldirs =  sort grep(-d, grep(!/^\./, readdir(THISDIR)));

printf("\nFound a total of %d list archive directories. Continuing ..\n", $num);

$err_flag = 0;
$list_tot = $skip_tot = $arch_tot = 0;
#       Process each lists archive directory
foreach $i (@alldirs) {
    if ($err_flag == 1) {
        print "Errors encountered processing archives. Please check logs\n";
    $location = "$home_dir\/$i";
    next if ($location eq "/users/u/2/showie/archive"); #local mod
    printf("\n>>>> Processing directory %s, press \"y\" to continue..", $i);
    $yn = <STDIN>;
    if ($yn ne "y") {
        print "Skipping directory $i ... \n";
    print "Please enter the title of the group: ";
    $oldlistaddr = <STDIN>;
    print "Creating Directory ", $newarch_root."/".$i, " ...\n";
    mkdir("$newarch_root/$i",0755);  # Create new archive directory subtree
    &chdir($location);  # Move into next directory to process
    #  get a list of all archive files in the directory
    @newfiles = sort  grep(/^[0-9]/,grep(!/^\./, readdir(THISDIR)));
    #  Process each archive file inside the directory
    foreach $archive (@newfiles) {
        printf("\tProcessing Listproc 6.0c archive %s..", $archive);
        $arch_tot++;    # Bump total
        $newname = $archive;
        # Only rename and uncompress .z archives
        if (/\.z$/) {
            $newname =~ tr/z/Z/;
            if (rename($archive,$newname) == 0) {
                printf("Error renaming %s to %s, skipping this archive\n", $archive, $newname);
                $err_flag = 1;
            $result = system("uncompress $newname");
            if ($result != 0) {
                printf("Error uncompressing %s, skipping this archive\n", $newname);
                $err_flag = 1;
        $result = 0;
        $result = &convert($newname);
        if ($result == 1) {
            printf("Error converting archive %s, skipping this archive\n", $newname);
            $err_flag = 1;
        printf("\t\t-- DONE --\n\n");
printf("\n\nProcessed %d list(s) and %d archives. A total of %d lists were skipped. \n\n", $list_tot, $arch_tot, $skip_tot);

exit 0;

# Signal Handler for ctrl-C
sub handler {
    print "User pressed CTRL-C, exiting..\n";

# Do the actual archive conversion
sub convert {
    ($archive_name) = @_;

    open(NEWARCH, "> $newarch_root/$i/log$archive_name");
    open(INFILE, $archive_name);
    print "\n\t\tCreating new Listserv archive: $newarch_root/$i/log$archive_name\n";
    $body = 0;
    while (<INFILE>) {
        if ($body) {
            if (/^From .* \d\d\d\d$/ ) {
                $body = 0;
            } else {
                print NEWARCH;
        } else {
            if (/^$/) {
                $body = 1;
                print NEWARCH <<"FOO";
Date:         $headerline{"Date"}
Sender:       $oldlistaddr
From:         $headerline{"From"}
Subject:      $headerline{"Subject"}

                $headerline{"Subject"} = "";
                $headerline{"From"} = "";
                $headerline{"Date"} = "";
            } else {
                if (! /^\s+(.*)/) {
                    $toprint = (($hdr,$info)=/^(From|Date|Subject)\:\s+(.*)/);
                    $headerline{$hdr} = $info if $toprint;
                } else {
                    $headerline{$hdr} .= " $1" if $toprint;
    return 0;