I recently observed a strange problem with LISTSERV 1.8d on our HP-UX 10.20
platform. When I lock a list with the command

   get listname (header

and unlock it immediately afterwards by the command

   unlock listname

the result cannot be predicted. I tested this behaviour with a sequence of
'get' and 'unlock' commands in one message and in most cases, LISTSERV told
me that the list had not been locked like in the following example:

26 Jan 2000 17:59:30 To   [log in to unmask]:
The SIGI-L list has been locked. Do not attempt to add recipients
"on the (...)
26 Jan 2000 17:59:30 From [log in to unmask]:
unlock sigi-l
26 Jan 2000 17:59:30 To   [log in to unmask]:
The SIGI-L list is not locked.

This appears to be some kind of synchronization problem and I wonder
if this problem can be observed on other platforms, too.
