This is a known Y2K issue with 1.8c.  The fix is to upgrade to 1.8d.

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:54:58 -0500 you said:
>We have been occasionally getting the following message since the first of
>the year.  I have not been able to find any info regarding this in the
>Listserve Manuals.  Has anyone else run into this problem?
>Error occurred while processing file 309132 from [log in to unmask]:
>  LSWRECV error
>Error traceback follows
>>>> Error X'0028007B' redating received file <<<
> -> Severity: Error
> -> Facility: LFxxx routines
> -> Abstract: Invalid date specification
>Tom Steffes
>Technical Services Manager
>Earlham College
>[log in to unmask]