On 1/7/00 11:15 AM, Thaxton, Dennis <[log in to unmask]> wrote...

>I'm fairly new to ListServ and have been testing various
>configurations before I actually place the box in service.  I've noticed
>that when setting the header  Subscriptions= Open,Confirm , that an AOL
>account cannot subscribe to list because the confirmation cookie is not
>delivered to the AOL account.
>I've confirmed that there are no mail controls set on the AOL account.

All AOL members or just some? Does list mail make it through? Responses
to other commands? Other mail from the same site?

What is your server address?

Adam Bailey    | Chicago, Illinois
[log in to unmask] | Finger/Web for PGP
[log in to unmask] | http://www.lull.org/adam/