Barak Moshe wrote:
> Hi,
> That is an interesting way around the current limitation, but let me suggest
> that if the Lsoft folks are already working on an option to prohibit
> attachments to a list for the next release, probably via a keyword in the
> List header file, may be something like: '* Attachments= No/Yes', then
> if one could use: '* Attachments= No, Log/Nolog' ending up in the attachment
> not sent to the list but being logged or not in the archives, that would do
> the trick, and perhaps this would be both a desired option and one that doesn't
> require a very big effort to implement.

Hi Moshe,

Let me clarify that I think your suggestion is a great idea!  I am
sure we have list owners here who would use it.  Since others were
trying to suggest various work-arounds using existing features, I
did the same, but I do think that what you suggest would be nicer.
The only problem is, I am not so sure L-Soft will consider it "one
that doesn't require a very big effort".
