>>  Hello all. I want to rename all my lists from namelist@domain  to
>>   namelist-L@domain
>>  I have decided to create all the lists again , but what can I do whith
>>  archives???. IŽd liked to see in listserv.uam.es/archives for namelist-L
>>  all the archives: archives from namelist and the new for namelists-L
>When putting your new lists, just use the same directory names as the
>corresponding old ones in the header. This way your new lists will still be
>able to access all the old archives.

Not totally correct--you also need to rename the archives from 
oldlistname.logyymmw to newlistname.logyymmw .

The web archives will be tricky.  The easiest thing is probably to 
create a new subdirectory in your web archives directory for the new 
mailing list names and delete the old directories.

Something you may wish to consider (and may have already considered) 
is leaving the old mailing lists around for a while but replacing 
most of the headers with a "New-List=" header which would point to 
the new mailing list address.

Backing up your entire LISTSERV tree before starting to mess around 
with all this is definately a good idea.

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc