(Begin Eudora Double Message ID FAQ)

Your mail was rejected because it had a duplicated "Message-Id:",
QUALCOMM's current recomendations are given below.

10/07/98: An increasing amount of mail directed to Listserv lately has
been rejected as invalid because the header contains a duplicated
"Message-Id:" field.  The mail exhibiting this specific problem usually
comes from subscribers using 4.1.X versions of Eudora.  (03/23/99: And
possibly version 4.2 beta prior to build 22?)

03/23/99: The following is QUALCOMM's current recomendation:

Date sent:      Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:42:50 -0600
From:           Steve Dorner <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:        Re: Duplicate message id's

The bug has been fixed in Eudora v4.2, which is currently in (public)
beta test.   So, if you have a mind to use beta software, you can go
to <http://www.eudora.com/> and pick up the 4.2 beta which will fix
the problem.

Also, we have some details on the problem. It seems to be triggered
by reopening a queued or saved message and then queuing it. We
believe it will not happen with a message that you edit, queue and
send without first closing and reopening it. This may explain the
intermittency you've been noticing.

(End Eudora Double Message ID FAQ)

On 16 Feb 00, at 17:36, G Mark ABrahms wrote:

>Have any of you encountered the below warning message?  So far, it appears
>to be isolated to only three users who are each using Eudora 4.1 to send
>email to our lists.  However, there are other users who are using the same
>version of this email client without producing the error.
>In addition, we've now discovered that one user can send email to the same
>list and only produce the error intermittently.  The messages are always
>sent the same way, but with different results; sometimes with the warning
>message and other times without.
>If any of you have encountered this and know of a remedy, please
>share.  Actually, even if you don't know of a remedy but care to share what
>you've tried in an effort to rid yourselves of the messages, that would be
>nice as well.  It could possibly save me some steps.
> >>Comments:     RFC822 error: <W> MESSAGE-ID field duplicated. Last occurrence
> >>              was retained.