The bottom line is that you have to check the 'smrsh' documentation to be
sure exactly <where> this goes.  It doesn't seem to be standard, and the
documentation is, well, sparse.  I think Red Hat just decided to be
contrary and use /etc/smrsh for this purpose in more recent (ie 6.1)
distributions.  Originally these links were made in /usr/adm/sm.bin/ ,
which you might want to try instead (interestingly enough my RH 6.1
doesn't even HAVE a /usr/adm directory...)

And don't mess with the permissions on lsv_amin.  It needs to be owned
by 'listserv' with permissions 4755 or bad things happen.  The only thing
you need to make this work with smrsh is the link in the right place,
wherever that might be on your system.
