On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 17:30:07 EST, Bill Verity <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> We just did this over the web-based bulk operations interface and it
> took over 2 hours.  That's 2 hours of elapsed listserv processing
> time.  Would this have been faster with a huge e-mail message?  This
> isn't something that's done very often, but I'm curious about the best
> way of doing it in case it happens again.


We hit this same thing with a 35,000+ subscriber list that gets
refreshed once a month or so.  We found moving from Listserv Classic
to Listserv HPO cut the add time from about an hour to literally
seconds - it was under a minute or so.  If you're doing it "rarely"
it may not matter, but it was well worth the licencing fees to go
to HPO - it speeded up the bulk loads of 4,000 subscriber lists
as well, and we get a LOT of those at the beginning of each semester.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech