Thought I should pass on this response I received from an ISP in regards to
some of their customers not being able to sub to my list.  In related news,
Hotmail seems to have fixed the problem with their spam filter doing the
same.  Several months ago they started blocking all null Return-path
messages, effectively blocking LISTSERV commands requiring confirmation.  At
least one ISP, Concentric, has decided not to use Brightmail spam filtering
because of similar problems that Brightmail is still uninterested in fixing.

Hi Mike, I appreciate your CCing me on this. Switching ISPs would be a
short-term solution to the problem, as there are few remaining ISPs who
the SPAM-bait Null-senders is turning out to be.  I've checked with several
local ISPs, and most have either stopped accepting Null-sender already, or
be doing so in the very near future. The ivory-tower crowd still waives the
anachronistic RFC around, but those of us whose livelyhoods depend on
the good fight against SPAM don't have that luxury. I think fixing LISTSERV
would be a better solution all-around.

Terry Ryan
CCIS, Inc.

To:   "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]"
      <[log in to unmask]>, Bill Hamel/Chesco@Chesco
cc:    (bcc: Terry Ryan/Chesco)

Subject:  RE: Tx newsgroup

Chesco is doing the same thing that Hotmail used to, and a number of other
sites are doing, filtering out mail with empty "Return Path:" header lines.
This is part of their new spam filtering.  LISTSERV, however, sends it's
command replies with an empty Return Path.  Hotmail fixed this problem, and
Chesco should as well.  They're cutting their customers off from mailing
lists using the most popular mailing list server software: LISTSERV.  I
could subscribe you, but you'd be unable to alter your subscription, or
sign off.  I can't guarantee to be available whenever you need something
done to your subscription.  You're far better off using Yahoo.  In fact,
I'd suggest looking for another ISP if Chesco is unwilling to fix the
problem.  Let me know if you still want the address force subscribed.

Mike Holloway
[log in to unmask]

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