On 5 Feb 00, at 21:19, rellieb-jean  wrote:

> I am subscribed to a list, and if I send a
> SET Baba Topics: -All

First of all, none of the topics commands work until there are topics
defined in the header.  ALL means just that ALL of the topics and is a
keyword.  Perhaps you are confusing the other keyword OTHER, which
is what a message that does not have a correctly formatted topic
defaults to.  So you can eliminate any message without a (previously
defined) topic by using this command:


and you will only get messages that have a properly formatted topic, all
else will be ignored.  One more thing, if you are getting digests, you
can't pick and choose topics -- listserv builds the same digest for
everyone, ignoring any topic settings (there is just too many
combinations and that would involve the server compiling too many
digests at once since it creates the digest as the messages come into
the server)

Liz Marr
     mailto:[log in to unmask]       KA7MYM
  http://cc-ent.com/Liz-Home  ICQ: 4014832  AIM: SAR TERV