Hello all . I have a problem:

        In my University, we have still two softwares for lists: majordomo and

        List of majordomo are [log in to unmask], and lists of listserv are
[log in to unmask]

        It is possible to put in a listserv configuration list:
* Send= Editor
* Editor= userid@host,([log in to unmask])

where  [log in to unmask] is a majordomo list?

        Is there any way to resolve this case whithout put in Editor= all the user
addresses of majordomo list (in this list, there are 200 users ), and
whithout to create a new listserv lists whith the users of the majordomo

        I hope you understand me :-(.

        Best regards, 

Postmaster de la U.A.M.                      e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Servicio de Informática
Fac. de Económicas, E-VI-110                             
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 
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