Here's a message that was mailed to me from our Listserv host:

  <DIST2> Server number  9999 could not be found in  the peers' table. Its
  recipients will be handled directly by LISTSERV@CTNVM107, but the peers'
  tables should be updated to correct the problem.

  Information about the failing job
  Job origin: LISTSERV@CTNVM107
  Actual ("FROM=") origin: [log in to unmask]
  Job type: Mail
  Spool fileid: "TEST-L MAILDIST", DISTcode=QU-MAIL
  VIA list: CTNVM107

Occasionally I get messages like this (whenever Listserv wants to
communicate with the Listserv peer network, I believe).  Most of
our lists are setup with Mail-Via set to "direct" since they are
internal list, but the message above is generated when posting
to a test list that is set up with Mail-Via set to "distribute".

First question is should this really be "server number 9999"?
Second question is what do I need to do to get the peers' tables
updated as suggested in the error message?  We're running on a
VM system that sits behind a firewall and has never been part of Bitnet.

| Terry A. Moore - tmoore at timken dot com           |
| LISTSERV Maintainer for listserv at timken dot com  |