>On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Francoise Becker wrote:
>>  for their incompetence to result in broadcasting my list to the entire
>>  Internet. I'm putting:
>>  Filter=Also,*@*.remarq.com,*@remarq.com
>   Would not
>Filter= Also,*@*remarq.com
>cover both  *@*.remarq.com  and  *@*remarq.com  ?

Yes, but it also covers [log in to unmask] and so on.
*@*.remarq.com,*@remarq.com has the virtue of blocking all remarq
addresses and _nothing but_ remarq addresses.

>Are you saying this in the Filter= should block it all as the sub
>items always have remarq.com in the sub request?

That's the theory.  Without knowing more about how the remarq site
functions (or is supposed to function) it's difficult to say

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc