The web interface is up for our system and I was wondering about something
that may be a problem and may not be ...
I am an owner of a list that is gated to a newsgroup.  The list goes back
to Bitnet times and is public.  I registered my email address with the
listserver and made a test post to the list.  The e-address I registered
showed up in the "From:".  Of course it is a valid address.  But if the
address became invalid, I would still be able to post and the invalid
address would show up as the return.  Is it reasonable to have the
Listserver probe its list of registrants or is this too much overhead just
to handle public lists?  Does anyone see the possibly not having valid
return addresses as a problem?  I myself can't say how serious this might
be; there isn't a great deal of spam in the present setup, so there may
well be no real cause for concern.  Still, I wondered what others thought.
-- Joe Kelley
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