On 3 Mar 00, at 13:18, Mike Yuhas wrote:

> It appears a mail gateway at unm.edu is virus-scanning outbound mail,
> which is a good thing, I suppose, but I'm wondering why that would
> interfere with Listserv appending a bottom banner. Any ideas?

It's a good thing for the mail gateway to be virus-scanning outbound
mail (and hopefully inbound too). It's a very bad thing for the mail
gateway to be making changes to the messages it scans. The only
proper place for a mail gateway to add anything to any messages
is in the *headers* -- they can add received headers, and they can
add X-Comment headers. Adding text to the message can break
the message itself as you've already noted.  If you look at the
entire raw message file, without benefit of a mail client that
interprets all the codes for you, you'll probably find the bottom
banner attached below the message, probably outside the broken
