On 10 Mar 00, at 10:22, G ran Larsson wrote:

> We just started to use a Bottom Banner on one of our lists. The problem 
> is that it seems to upset the characters i the body text. The swedish
> characters å, ä and ö doesn't show up properly. Instead the text is
> full of f=F6 and such. This is true to postings to Hotmail, GroupWise,
> LotusNotes and perhaps some other e-mail applications.

This is due to the fact that there isn't only one way to encode
special characters. Some email applications use quoted-printable,
others use 8-bit. If you assume quoted-printable, then it will look
like garbage on mail using 8-bit codes. If you assume 8-bit codes,
it will look like garbage on mail using quoted-printable.

That's why I always sign my name as "Francoise". If I used the
cedilla, some people would think my name was "Frangoise" and I
have enough people butchering my name as it is, without my
complicating matters by allowing mail programs to butcher it for
them :-)

I realize that it is easier to dispense with the special characters in
French than in Swedish. You'll just have to choose one form or the
other and encourage your subscribers to use email packages that
support the format you choose (and maybe complain to the
developers of the email packages that don't support it). I _think_
but do not know for sure, that support for quoted-printable is more
prevalent. I do know that some mail transfer agents will actually
chop off the 8th bit on 8-bit mail (resulting in Frangoise instead of
