From the 1.8c Maintainer's Release Notes:

* Performance: Enabling reverse indexing for database functions *

(VM) Note: the guidelines in this  section only apply to the new database
functions. The original VM database  functions are not currently affected
by the DBRINDEX configuration variable.

The new 1.8c database  functions can be configured to work  in one of two
modes:  with forward  indexing only,  and with  both forward  and reverse
indexing. The  forward index  is the file  called xxx.DBINDEX.  With list
archive files and  other plain-text based databases, this  file tells the
LISTSERV database functions where a  particular database entry begins and
ends. Thus,  entry #17283 in  the XYZ-L list might  begin at line  281 of
XYZ-L.LOG9609 and extend until line  312. The forward index also contains
frequently accessed information, such as the  subject of a message or the
date at which it was posted. However, it does not contain any information
that would help in locating all the entries that contain the word 'TEST'.

The   reverse  index   (xxx.DBRINDEX),  when   enabled  by   setting  the
configuration  variable DBRINDEX  to 1  (or  letting it  default to  this
value), provides  this functionality.  A reverse index  will dramatically
speed up  searches on  large databases.  However, it  will not  have much
effect on smaller databases. Without  reverse index, you can still expect
a search rate on  the order of 1-3M per second (elapsed)  on a typical PC
server. Many lists have archives in  the 1-5M range, and would not really
benefit from reverse indexing. The drawbacks of reverse indexing are:

1. The  reverse index file  uses up (typically)  a few megabytes  of disk
   space, even  if the  archives are relatively  small. This  is because,
   even  with a  small list,  tens of  thousands of  different words  are
   likely to be in  use. This could be an issue  for sites with thousands
   of small lists.

2. Building and maintaining the reverse  index uses up some amount of CPU
   time. This could be a problem on time-sharing systems where CPU cycles
   are billed by the hour, and I/O accesses are comparatively cheap.

3. The  current implementation of  the reverse indexing code  may require
   significant amounts of virtual memory for large databases. On a system
   with virtual memory  quotas, this would require  increasing the quotas
   for the  LISTSERV process. On  a dedicated  system, it could,  in some
   extreme cases, require a hardware upgrade.

None of these problems are likely to be an issue with a typical dedicated
configuration. However, we have customers running over 6,000 lists on the
same machine,  paying an outsourcing company  for every hour of  CPU time
used, or  running LISTSERV on  machines with 8M of  RAM, and this  is the
context  in which  we are  mentioning these  issues. An  operating system
specific discussion follows:

- NT (default  = 1): L-Soft  recommends leaving reverse  indexing enabled
  unless your system has less than  32-64M of RAM (depending on RISC/CISC
  architecture and  on the size of  your largest archives) or  is already
  paging. Most dedicated PC servers  have enough resources to enable this
  option without  impacting overall system performance,  although in some
  cases a RAM upgrade could be necessary.

- unix (default = 1): L-Soft  recommends leaving reverse indexing enabled
  unless your system has less than  32-64M of RAM (depending on RISC/CISC
  architecture, presence or absence of X-Windows and size of your largest
  archive) or  is already swapping  heavily. Most dedicated  unix servers
  have enough  storage to  enable this  option without  impacting overall
  system performance.

- VM (default = 0): L-Soft  recommends enabling reverse indexing on VM/XA
  and VM/ESA unless all your lists have small archives. On S/370 systems,
  only about 10-12M of virtual storage can be made available to LISTSERV,
  which  is sometimes  insufficient even  without reverse  indexing. This
  option can only be enabled safely  on an XA/ESA system, after switching
  the  LISTSERV userid  to an  ESA/XA or  XC machine  and increasing  its
  VMSIZE to the  recommended value of 64M (sites which  already need more
  than 32M due to the number of lists they are hosting should add another
  32M). While this  may seem excessive, LISTSERV is  unlikely to actually
  use all that storage. Database accesses last a few seconds at most, and
  any peak in storage usage would be temporary.

- VMS  (default =  0):  L-Soft recommends  enabling  reverse indexing  on
  systems which have 64M of memory or more (possibly less for VAX systems
  or systems  without DECwindows), and  which are not page-bound.  On the
  other  hand, you  will  need  to increase  the  PGFLQUO  quota for  the
  LISTSERV process before  enabling this option. Depending  on the number
  of  lists on  your system  and on  the size  of the  archives for  your
  largest list,  you will want to  increase PGFLQUO by 16-64M.  VAX users
  should  note that  the default  PGFLQUO  set by  the 1.8b  installation
  procedure  was found  to be  much too  conservative (regardless  of the
  reverse indexing issue) and has  been doubled for version 1.8c. Reverse
  indexing is  disabled by  default on  VMS as  it is  likely to  lead to
  virtual storage exhaustion unless the quotas are increased.

- Windows 95 (default = 1): since  Windows 95 uses the same executable as
  Windows NT, reverse indexing is  enabled by default. However, a typical
  Windows 95 system with 8-16M of RAM cannot support reverse indexing and
  this  option should  be disabled.  When installing  with the  graphical
  installation program, your SITE.CFG file will be automatically modified
  to disable reverse  indexing. If you install the  new version manually,
  you will need to make this change yourself.