
> Is anyone else experiencing problems getting mail delivered
> to Hotmail
> addresses?
> The mail isn't being bounced back at me, but it isn't
> making it to the
> subscribers.
> It appears as though the mail is being caught in a spam
> filter of some sort.

I have heard that both hotmail.com and msn.com e-mail servers have
recently been modified to accept no more than 10 copies of the same
message addressed to different individuals at the hotmail.com domain
or msn.com domain.  I believe we resolved the problem by modifying the
LSMTP configuration (this is a WinNT/Intel setup) by defining an SMTP
Destination for each domain (hotmail.com and msn.com):

LSMTP Configure Menu, SMTP Destinations Tab, Click ADD
  Enter the domain name
  For 'Max recipients per message'  enter  10
  Click OK
Click OK again

I won't warrant that this will solve your problems, but I believe it
solved ours.  What this change does if you have 25 hotmail.com
subscribers is to alter the behavior for LSMTP so that it will not
attempt to deliver all 25 at once. It will deliver 10, then deliver 10
more, and then the remaining 5 will be delivered.

If someone else has more better information, be my guest.

Mark Hunnibell