Pardon me for being less than sympathetic, but Outlook is well known not
to properly implement HTML digests.  This is something Microsoft need to
fix, not us.


On Fri, 26 May 2000 15:31:28 -0400 Keller, Richard (CIT) said:
>We just encountered a problem with using LISTSERV's HTML Digest subscription
>option with Outlook 2000.  The digest is received as source code, rather
>than the actual HTML document.  This does not happen on other mail software,
>such as Netscape mail.
>Has anyone else encountered this problem, and Lsoft working on a solution.
>Richard Keller
>LISTSERV Administration
>National Institutes of Health
>HTML Diges Sample below ---------------------------------------------
>Subject: RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)
><title>RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)</title>
> <title>NIH LISTSERV</title>
><body bgcolor="white"
> background=""
> link="#3333cc" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#9933CC">
><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame width="600"
> <tr height="73">
>  <td height="73" valign="top" width="169"><img height="73" width="169"
>  src="" alt="NIH"></td>
>  <td width="431" height="73" valign="top"><img height="73" width="431"
>  src=""
> </tr>
><h2>RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)</h2>
><p><h3>Table of contents:</h3>
><li><a href="#S1">Why is the sky blue?</a>
><li><a href="#S2">Why is the Earth round</a>
><li><a href="#S3">Why do we breathe air?</a>
><a name=S1><li>Why is the sky blue?</a><ul>
><li><a href="cid:1@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why is the sky blue?</a>
>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
><a name=S2><li>Why is the Earth round</a><ul>
><li><a href="cid:2@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why is the Earth round</a>
>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
><a name=S3><li>Why do we breathe air?</a><ul>
><li><a href="cid:3@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why do we breathe air?</a>
>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
><a href="">
><img src="http://LIST.NIH.GOV/archives/lpowered.gif" align=right
>alt="Powered by LISTSERV(R)" border=0></a>
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