I have a little problem translating the mail templates.
When a person subscribes to the list a messages is send for confirmation.
In this message is a paragraph that says:
has  been received.  You must  now reply  to this  message (as  explained
below) to  complete your subscription.  The purpose of  this confirmation
procedure is to  check that the address  LISTSERV is about to  add to the
list for your subscription is reachable.  This is a typical procedure for
high-volume lists and  all new subscribers are subjected to  it - you are
not  being  singled  out.  Every  effort  has  been  made  to  make  this
verification as  simple and painless  as possible. Thanks in  advance for
your cooperation. --

I can't find this text nowhere in the Info-form, mail templates or header
of the mailinglist configurations.

Can someone tell me where i can translate this piece of text.
