Hello all,
When trying to store a file on a listserv machine I keep running into a
block which appears to not let you store a file with no extension. This does
not make much sense to me since the archive logs all have no extension yet
they seem to work just fine.

The command I sent is;

put listname\filename pw=password

This works if the filename has an extension and not if not, and the error
message returned is;

The file name you specified is invalid. LISTSERV files have names like
"BOARD.MINUTES" or "XYZ-L LOG9303" (without the quotes).

Thus I tried;

put listname filename pw=password

This time I got;

This server does not have any file by the name "listname filename".

However if I retreive a log file and put it back it works fine. Even though
it has no file extension !!!

Does anyone out there have any ideas, why you cannot store a file with no
extension other than a log file ??


p.s. This is Listserv 1.8d 2000a, running on NT 4 sp4.