>How do I setup a mailing list so the email received by all on the list does
>NOT reflect who sent the message to the list?
>My messages now contain two lines:
>X-Sender: (which shows who originally sent the message)
>From: (which shows who originally sent the message)
>Is there a way to suppress these lines?

LISTSERV won't suppress or alter the From: line; see
http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/lsv-faq.stm#5.14 for some information on
why.  You'd have to use an anonymous remailer (are there any of those
around any more?) or perhaps have the subscribers send mail to the
mailing list using a web form that creates and sends messages of the

        From: generic@address
        To: listname@whatever
        Subject: the subject that the person filling out the form
                 typed in

        The body of the message that the person filling out the form
        typed in.

Other people on the mailing list might have better suggestions.

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc