>Since autoresponders respond to listserv notifications too..I usually do
>these QUIET .. I do set NOMAIL and NOPOST . but only because that
>way if someone asks later, why they aren't getting list mail,  I can tell if
>they had set themselves NOMAIL .. or I did since I only set errors to
>NOMAIL and NOPOST.  Easier for me than keeping a list or going
>through change log ;-)

Since we don't usually "just" set anyone to NOPOST (but we do otherwise have REVIEW by default), then the subscriber options of:

MAIL and NOPOST (usually the result of subscriber trying to reset themselves)

are our implicit indicators of the bouncing or vacation-style reasons for these settings.

By NOT using QUIET, the co-owners are also auto-informed of each others actions.

And of course, YMMV
