On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, stan wrote:

> As administrator of listserv.temple.edu, I am looking for a way where students
> in certain cources can be automatically subscribed to the appropriate lists
> for their cources.
> <....>

> What I am wondering is if this idea sounds sensible. How do you Listserv
> site managers at other universities handle this service?

We do the following:

1. Once created, we never delete class mailing lists.
2. We make the faculty member or class list co-ordinator in each dept.
   responsible for all of their class mailing lists.
3. Requests for large numbers of class mailing lists go to the
   dept. co-ordinator. co-ordinators are owners on all their lists.
4. The co-ordinators (or any individual faculty member who is an owner)
   completes a form off Listserv's Home page to Update their class mailing
   lists for a new Term/Semester.
5. The form requires the ListName, Owner e-mail address and lsv passwd.
6. The output of the form is sent via e-mail to a java prog. running
   on the same machine as the student database.
7. This is where the onwer e-mail address and passwd is passed for
   authentication to listserv, where the student names and e-mail
   addresses are pulled from the database and where the ADD jobs are
   built to send to listserv to add students to their class mailing
8. I don't do anything, but I get cc:'d on all requests. :-)

What makes the above process work is that the class mailing list names for
courses are standardized.

Hope this is helpful.
