Here's a way to add another document to be sent to new subscribers. Add these entries to your list.MAILTPL or to your $SITE$.MAILTPL (not in Lite version).

>>> SIGNUP1 Sierra Club List Terms & Conditions
.cc off
>>> ADD1 Sierra Club List Terms & Conditions
.cc off
>>> RENEW1 Sierra Club List Terms & Conditions
.cc off
Sierra Club List Participant Terms and Conditions
Issued September 7, 1999
Last Revised November 16, 1999
Each Sierra Club email list is specifically governed by the terms and
conditions of its List Charter. The List Charter can be obtained by sending the
following message:

Obviously, "$TERMSANDCONDITIONS" can be any name you wish(, and there could be other self-defined MAILTPL templates sent). These templates cause the Terms and Conditions document to be sent as a separate message. Yes, it is still contained in the MAILTPL file with the other documents, but it is received by subscribers as a separate message.

Responses to the questions posed asking why one might do this are included below.

At 04:41 AM 09/26/2000, Winship wrote:
>On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Sarah Lawrence wrote:
>> Is there a way to have new subscribers automatically sent a particular text
>> file (in addition to the Welcome message and the other one with the
>> unsubscribe instructions)? If so, can anyone give me a hint about where to
>> look in the Listserv 1.8d manual or a hint about how to set it up?
>I cannot think, offhand, of an easy way to do it, and, to tell the truth
>I don't know why you would want to.  In my experience, subscribers do not
>like  getting more than one item when they subscribe: just more to

The reason we send this document separate from the other two ($SIGNUP template and the <listname>.welcome file) is to be sure it isn't overlooked and to make it easy to save it separate from the operational information.

>By "the unsubscribe instructions" I assume you mean the stock stuff sent
>as the default mailtpl $SIGNUP which gives more than signoff info (unless
>you have changed it in your list .MAILTPL).  You can change that as you
>please.  You can also change your listname.welcome in your list filelist
>as you please.  Given that you can change both of those as you please,
>why do you need a third?

The "welcome" file is different from list to list and accessible to the list owners who can re-PUT it whenever they wish. The Terms and Conditions text, though "accessible" to the list owners in the sense that it *can* be overridden by them, is not something a list owner wants to, or is authorized to, modify.

>I mean, if two auto messages per list, on signup, are too much for many
>subscribers, what would three be?   What is it you want to put into this
>third auto item and why can't it be incorporated in one of the other two?

True, they could be combined, all three into one in fact. But we choose not to for the reasons noted. YMMV.

Ed Paynter
Sierra Club Information Technology Committee

>   Douglas