>I am going to be putting my list on hold for about 2 weeks.
>I planned on sending a hold command.
>What I do NOT want to happen is have me come back and FREE list, and have a
>stockpile of posts automatically sent to the list.

Fair enough.  What do you want to happen?

>Any suggestions on the
>most efficient way to prevent this from happening?  I considered changing
>the level of moderation on the list and having to approve all messages prior
>to posting when I return.

That would work.

Alternatively if you just want all the messages to be rejected, make it

        Send= Owner,Confirm

or even

        Send= explicitemail@address,Confirm

and all messages from other addresses will be rejected (and even if
someone forges a message from an allowed address the message will
require confirmation).  Then revert to the old setting when you get

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc