When I try to sub myself through my personal university account or
through a Hotmail account, the error message is sent to the owners
and the prospective subscriber. (And actually the line numbers are
different in the two messages. The owner gets the error in line 37 and
the subscriber gets it in line 23.)

On 18 Oct 00 at 15:31, Jacob Haller replied:
>[. . .]
>>But when I use the following in my MAILTPL
>>.* section for uga addresses
>>.bb &whom =* *@*.uga.edu
>[. . .]
>>.* section for NON-uga addresses
>>.bb &whom ^=* *@*.uga.edu
>>.to &WHOM
>[. . .]
>>I get the following error: >>> Error in line 37 of la.mailtpl:
>>extraneous data in expression - ".uga.edu" <<<
>>  -> .bb &whom =* *@*.uga.edu <-
>Hm.  I'm having trouble replicating this.  Where and when is this
>error message appearing?

Ashley Goss
Clinical Pathology
123A Vet Med