Hi all

can someone please clear something up for me?

When LISTSERV looks at an email header what RFC822 field does it search to
decide who is sending it: FROM, REPLY-TO, PATH, or SENDER?  I'm assuming
that it looks in the FROM field but I'd just like a confirmation of this.

The reason I'm asking is that I have a subscriber who is unable to send
commands to LISTSERV.  I've checked his subscription details and they seem
OK.  I then checked his email headers to see what they contained.  I noticed
that he's got different entries in FROM and REPLY-TO.  The FROM address is
the same as the subscribed address so I'm at a loss as to why he can't issue

(It's probably in the doco somewhere but I'm stuffed if I can find
it.....brain fuzzy....too little sleep....zzzzzzzzz)


Michael Shannon
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"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young and
stupid." - Ancient Proverb

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