>Hi all
>can someone please clear something up for me?
>When LISTSERV looks at an email header what RFC822 field does it search to
>decide who is sending it: FROM, REPLY-TO, PATH, or SENDER?  I'm assuming
>that it looks in the FROM field but I'd just like a confirmation of this.

If Sender: is present LISTSERV looks at that.  Otherwise it looks at From:.

>The reason I'm asking is that I have a subscriber who is unable to send
>commands to LISTSERV.  I've checked his subscription details and they seem
>OK.  I then checked his email headers to see what they contained.  I noticed
>that he's got different entries in FROM and REPLY-TO.  The FROM address is
>the same as the subscribed address so I'm at a loss as to why he can't issue

What appears in LISTSERV's logs?  (Are his messages even arriving at
LISTSERV, and if so what is LISTSERV doing with them?)

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc