Hi all,

Several subscribers in a couple of listserv supported
discussion groups that I look after are having dificulty with
the MIME format digests using various versions of MS
Outlook.  What versions of Outlook should the MIME
digests work well with as contemplated by those who
implimented this advance in the Lsoft Listserv digest

Subscribers who are using more recent versions email
clients are not having problems.  I would like to know
what versions of MS Outlook they need to up grade to or
avoid.  I am assuming that there is a version of MS
Outlook where the MIME digests behalf as contemplated.

In addition of the subscribers to the groups I work with
could use a snap shot of what the MIME digest index or
table of contents that covers the MIME bundle of
messages looks like.  I would appreciate some help here
if any of you would be willing to take a snap shot for us
or recomend some freeware with which I can take the
snap shot.

Also if there is a web page or collection of pages dealing
with the interface of listserv messages and digests with
the various email clients in current use, please point me
to that as well.

Any help here will be much appreciated,



John DeBruyn, lawyer and volunteer list moderator
(owner) for several lawyer groups, Denver, CO USA
John DeBruyn <[log in to unmask]> Denver Colorado USA