[log in to unmask] is not a porno site. It is an indication that someone's
computer is infected with a new worm virus. Hybris something or other.
At 01:26 PM 12/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Each time I send out one of my lists, I get half a dozen reply spams from
>a porno site.  The address never says who it is to and the from address,
>[log in to unmask] is not a subscriber to my list.  I have asked the
>postmaster at that address to have him knock it off, to no avail.  I
>looked him up at samspade.com, and found out a little more about him,
>including his name.  Is it really him or is he using this guy's
>address?  What do I do next.
>Margaret J. Brandt
>Technology Projects Coordinator
>[log in to unmask]