On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Heller, Paul wrote:

> Someone who subscribes to one of our lists asked if it is possible to
> edit an archived message.

Yes.  I have done this once to delete an undesirable message containing a
file attachment.


1. Send LISTSERV the "INDEX" command to identify the year, month, and
   week of the archive containing the post that you wish to edit.

   For this example, let's assume the list name is FOO, the
   year is 1999, the month is March, and the week is the 1st week.

2. Use the command "GET FOO.LOG9903A" to retrieve the archive for
   that week of messages.

3. Wait for LISTSERV to deliver FOO.LOG9903A to you.
   Keep a backup copy of this archive in case step 4 fails.

4. Forward the message containing FOO.LOG9903A back to LISTSERV
   after you have made the following edits:

   a. In the line of text immediately above the first line of the
      archive text, put "PUT FOO.LOG9903A PW=xxxxxx", where
      "xxxxxx" is your LISTSERV password.

   b. Remove any reply-quotation marks such as ">" that might have
      been added to the message by your e-mail software.  (Forwarding
      instead of replying should avoid this problem.)

   c. Make any necessary edits to the text of the archive.

5. After you forward the message, re-request it to double-check
   that your edits were successful.  In other words, send
   "GET FOO.LOG9903A" to LISTSERV and compare the archive LISTSERV
   sends you to the one you received in step 3.

Hope this helps,
Michael S. Johnson   Miyazaki Web and Mailing List Owner
[log in to unmask]   www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/mailing-list