I wonder, as Liz does, why you want an enormous long To: field?  Not only
is it combursome, inconvenient, an unneeeded bandwidth hog, an invasion of
privacy, etc., it is also confusing (is this list mail or private? how did
I get on *that* person's mailing list?).

I don't know how, Chuck, you have your list set but on my lists the
distributed list mail says only  To: LISTNAME <[log in to unmask]>
which is exactly what I want (used to say To: Multiple Recipients of...
but don't have to put up with that anymore and I got rid of the long
"official" name which described the list (if you are subbed to the list
and don't need it as you know what the list is about and if you ain't
subbed you'll never see it, and that very long line in the header screws
up some people's mail systems, in various ways, get rid of it)).

My lists are generally discussion lists for a specific profession and
it is not unusual for someone to send an item to all the lists he thinks
are remotely related to the profession (not spam) and all the addresses
of all those ten, fifteen, twenty . . . lists are in the To: field.
Clogs things up.  And, maybe, if a person replies, if he doesn't know
what he is doing, he will send his reply indisciminately to all ten,
fifteen, twenty ... lists, irritating a *lot* of people.

I truly fail to see why one would want all that in the email header of
distributed postings; bad enough it is preserved in the archives (as I
wish it weren't), don't want it in the distributed posting header.
